rc@humanlink.lk +94 67 5677714 -5

Training & Consultancy

Human Link has the scope of establishing this portfolio in order to share the know how among large audience. Over a decade of experience in the field of disability has been driving us to record and materialize the incidences, experience and wider exposure we obtained. This knowledge could be replicated among wider audience who seek support to establish, grow and sustain similar campaigns.


Human Link publications are handful documents for someone to grab immense knowledge in the field of disability and they are often referred by academics to enlarge the scope of their studies.

Start -Up Training for new entries

TOT [Training of Trainers] programs could be organized on request for new entries [organizations] those seek support to establish their new center operations. Our team would guide them not only through subject know how but also in the administrative & management aspects as well.

Guide to Guardian

Guide to guardian is a unique program designed for the parents and guardians of differently abled children and adults. This program focuses to guide them to ease their daily routines, psychologically strengthening, and motivate to overcome the challenges in the social, domestic and workplace environments.

Advisory Services

Human Link has been voluntarily supporting to channel the guardians of person with disabilities to obtain the government welfare assistances including monthly welfare assistance, self-employment assistance and others. In addition, recommending for external organizations and well-wishers to grab new opportunities and grants.


Human Link knowledge hub has various industry expertise. These talents are utilized to conduct various researches for the internal and stakeholder purposes. Apart from the above, we can also undertake research studies for any external organization seeking local support. These studies may include;

  1. Baseline Surveys

  2. Socio- Economic Studies

  3. Disability Studies

  4. Livelihood and housing Studies

  5. Population Surveys

  6. Project Midterm and Final Evaluations

  7. Training need analysis

  8. Market Potential/ Gap Studies

  9. New concept testing

  10. Others

Reach out Mr.Roshan Kamardeen for more details through +94- 764617050 or roshan@humanlink.lk