rc@humanlink.lk +94 67 5677714 -5

Skill Development

In addition to the academic special education programs at Human Link Resource Centre, students are instructed in practical and functional living skills in order to prepare them to function appropriately in the community, work place and home. These programs include a multitude of areas such as self-care, pre-vocational skills, daily living skills, community-based instruction, and functional reading and math.

Self-Care​ > Create and rehearse daily routines such as personal daily hygiene, proper nutrition, exercise, getting dressed, table manners, dealing with common illnesses such as a cold, managing stress, and others.

Daily Living Skills > Develop practical living skills such as safety, finding information (books, newspaper, phone, computer and internet), traveling (finding routes, reading a map), home care (house cleaning), money skills (identify coins and notes, counting), and others.

Community-Based Instruction​ > Focus on social skills and safety as students gain experience in different community environments. Interacting with different people, safety measures to adapt on the road, adjusting moods as per different places and others.
Leisure and Recreational Skills​ > Encourage and guide students to use their talents as they establish important leisure and recreational skills. Water skills, dry zone play skills, climbing, and others.

Functional Reading > Apply visual communication methods such as recognizing symbols, reading maps and signs, navigating the internet, etc., to help students make important day-to-day choices.

Functional Math​ > Teach students to count money, tell time, manage personal budgets, measure and understand volume, etc., to improve real-life decision-making skills.

Work-Related Behaviors> Expose students to the workforce where they will have the opportunity to directly apply job-related behaviors and emphasize good work habits such as following directions, being punctual, understanding authority and working as a team.

Shopping Skills > Prepare students to apply skills in a variety of different business experiences from creating a shopping list to using money to purchase goods at the grocery store, calculating them and get balance.

Cooking and Laundry Skills > Learn and apply more in-depth daily living skills and chores, such as cooking and laundry skills. This not only establishes a responsibility for routines and organizational skills but also sets a foundation for self-sufficiency.

Pre-Vocational Skills > Transition youth from being a student to being a contributing member of society by developing skills such as looking and applying for a job, interviewing, understanding job requirements, and others. 

Reach us through +94-771397114 & rc@humanlink.lk for more details