rc@humanlink.lk +94 67 5677714 -5

Health Care

Human Link Health Care Center is a new addition in our corporate portfolio. We have our custom – built two story building in Kariyapper Road, Maruathamunai -5 in the Kalmunai Municipal, Ampara District, Eastern Province, Sri Lanka.

This unit was established to provide unique health care services to the children and adults with impairments. The most demanding therapy assessments and treatments are carried out by this special unit. They include;

  1. Occupational Therapy

  2. Physio Therapy

  3. Psycho Therapy

  4. Speech Therapy

Fully fledged therapy units were established to effectively treat the needy children and adults. Human Link students and direct members are given complementary services and others for an affordable fee. This unit functions all 7 days from 8.30 am to 7.30 pm.


Reach us through +94-771397114 & hcc@humanlink.lk for more details.