rc@humanlink.lk +94 67 5677714 -5

Residential Care

Human Link has temporary shelter arrangements with basic facilities to accommodate children with disabilities to stay permanently in the Resource Centre. This facility is only given to the children from very far villages. These children are given all three main meals, refreshments, medical care, recreation along with accommodation facilities.

The demand for residential care facility [for children from outstations] has been increased drastically over the decade. We were forced to refuse applications due to no – proper spacious facility to cater these children. But Human Link has sufficient space [land] to set up and operate a residential care within its own one-acre land.

We seek well-wishers to give us a helping hand to further strengthen the existing residential care. This requires converting the basic lodging facility to a full-fledged residential care facility in order to accommodate 100 children and adults with disabilities.

Our clear vision to have two partitions to accommodate severally mentally retarded and other impairments separately. This enables us to focus with different guidelines to cater their requirement effectively. To achieve all of these what we require a differently abled friendly building, dedicated team, and financial capability.

Reach us through +94-771397114 & rc@humanlink.lk for more details